by Rachel Watmore

To be or not to be? That, poor Yorick, is the question about GeekCon. The best parts of GeekCon involved the Skepbabes and our adoring fans all hanging out and getting drunk together, while fighting for social justice.

Another good part was our table, full of interesting skeptical trinkets like BurlyGimmicks, t-shirts and other high-quality merchandise.

Now for the bad part. We were told that apparently our table is against the rules that apparently state: “34B section 2 Part IV: A New Hope iii): You can’t just sell any old rubbish. This isn’t a goddamn flea market. Souvenirs only or GTFO.”

I tried to explain that since we didn’t read the rule, then it doesn’t really exist. Furthermore, it doesn’t really fit with our intentions, so it isn’t a very good rule and should be deleted. While they agreed that these are excellent points, they were powerless to overrule their misogynistic boss and so we’d have to remove everything that we hadn’t made ourselves and sell the BurlyGimmicks only. That’s fine – BurlyGimmicks are priceless artifacts and would make us a fortune (while also fighting for social justice).

Later on, a man came over. [Name redacted – turns out it wasn’t the guy I announced on Twitter it was who has now unfortunately been lynched. Sorry about that, although I didn’t do anything wrong. He should apologize to me, in fact.]

He told us that even the BurlyGimmicks were non-grata as they didn’t have the Skepbabe logo on them. Serves us right for not putting garish branding on our highly-scientific and highly-skeptical priceless artifacts, eh? If you can’t otherwise tell, I’m being sarcastic.

How stupid/misogynistic. So the rule has gone from “no tacky rubbish” to “no tacky rubbish without a logo”. I complained, to which the man replied “I’ll ask my boss about it, but you do not want that to happen”.

WTF?! Death threats?!! Is his boss Godzilla or something, come to rape us? Is that it? We should be raped? Or we’re too ugly to be raped? That seems to be what he’s saying. That we ought to be raped to death by Godzilla.

At this point, I decided to leave, but the man kept harassing us, telling us that we can’t sell our BurlyGimmicks. BurlyEmma booked a new flight, but I had to give a talk about how Game of Thrones is misogynistic, just like every other TV show. The place was utterly filled; packed with avid, engaged fans, who flocked from all over the world just to see me and learn about how Game of Thrones is misogynistic, just like every other TV show. They loved the talk, which incidentally was the best thing at GeekCon by a long, long way.

Now I’m in my hotel room, wondering why I should bother. What’s the point in being here if we can’t make money by selling things we found lying about, or things we found lying about made into BurlyGimmicks? I had to pay my own way there, as if I’m not the Rachel Watmore but rather I’m a mere conference goer – a pleb – a prole.

This is just not on – I’m so oppressed having to supply my jet-setting with money from writing a blog a week. You’d think they could pay me to go, or at least allow me to break all of the rules. Don’t they know who I am?

In conclusion, everything good at GeekCon is null and void because of how I was treated. All because one man went on a power trip and tried to make us obey the “rules”. I’ll tell you who else had “rules”. That’s right. Hitler.

by BS Byers.


Tina Fey discusses the Slimepit in her new book, Argumentative Pantaloons:

When faced with sexism or ageism or lookism or even really aggressive Buddhism, ask yourself the following question:”Is this person in between me and what do I want to do?” If the answer is no, ignore it and move on. Your energy is better used doing your work and outpacing people that way. Then, when you’re in charge, don’t hire the people who were jerky to you.


Wow! I don’t know how the slimepitters will feel about someone famous like TINA FEY attacking them, but I imagine they’ll all be mightily upset about it! That’s great, because I hate them, and clearly so does Tina Fey! We’ve invited her to blog at Freedom Thinking Blogs, but so far she hasn’t yet had time to send us her acceptance. I’m looking forward to working with her though – she’s a wonderful ally.

By the way, I really hate Rape Dapen. He rants a lot, unlike me. He’s an angry, obsessive little clown-like harassing bastard idiot fucking twerp twat idiot fucking…. GRRR! I just hate him so much! We don’t have to use racism to attack them (i.e. like they do). No. We were at the punchline of the joke before they were even born! We just laugh at them. Or, like our new friend Tina Fey – just skewer them like the little rats that they are.

by Jamie Tibbs

You know how I’m a really good ally of feminism, feminists and women in general? Well, I was thinking the other day about the hyperskepticism and elisions that the trolls and slimepitters engage in, and decided to write a hilarious satire about what they think (or falsely claim) is happening. I’ve already obliterated those memes and tropes and other falsehoods perpetuated by the sexist misogynists, by showing that while our side is reality-based, their side is anything but.

So here’s the (alternative) timeline of events. Remember that this is satire. I don’t really think these things happened – I’m really a very good ally of feminism and feminists. But you knew that anyway.

Gehen wir!

1980: The very evil man-hater(!) Rachel Watmore born.

1990: Freedom Thinking Blog is secretly planned by the ‘Matriarchy’ (lol!).

2011: Rachel Watmore is politely (yeah right!) asked for tea on an escalator. She then proceeds to claim that all men are rapist murderers, and so she deserves the rape threats (remember, this is all sarcasm – I’m totally on Rachel’s side on this).

Robert Hawkins decides to chime in, heroically comparing Rachel’s horrible demand for equality (I know – she’s so cheeky! That’s sarcasm, if you hadn’t guessed) to much worse problems suffered by men in the Middle East.

Stevie Cszta writes a letter to him with the salutation ‘Dear Penis-Breath Hawkins’ (really just a shortening of ‘Robert’). Horrible rape-victims (remember this is satire) sign it, to unfairly annoy the patriarchy.

Rachel Watmore writes one long ad hominem against Hawkins (lol – actually it was a highly scientific and well-reasoned piece). People lose respect for her, because of this (yeah right, really it’s because they’re Misogynist Rights Activist Assholes).

‘Hero’ Hank Froggle tells us how much he’d like to kick Gertrude ‘in the cunt’. That’s something to celebrate (remember this is satire – I’m a wonderful ally of social justice, I really am).

2012: PJ politely outlines his views on how overly-paranoid blogging about dangers to women at conferences can lead to women being too worried to go (lol, like that’s all he did!).

Stevie Cszta writes a diatribe about how lots of speakers are sexual predators, and that the names are well-known and passed around secretly (actually a good thing, since it led to the anti-harassment demand).

Freedom Thinking Blog leads the way in promoting rules against murder at conferences (a move opposed by the trolls and haters, who made up some bullshit about murder already being illegal, or something).

Helen Harman wears a really great t-shirt saying how she’s not a ‘Sextic’, she’s a Skeptic. Others make jewellery to mock BurlyEmma for banning as a result of ‘follow-crime’ (a term the haters just made up – it’s not a thing). Both hilarious acts of freeze peach (even though they’re both unfunny acts of harassment).

Lightningb00ts joins Freedom Thinking Blogs, only to be hounded out with pitchforks for ‘simply disagreeing’ (pfft!).

Gordon Maktoum is also kicked off, for violently threatening a fellow Freedom Thinker (even though the blame lies squarely with the person he ‘threatened’).

Some of the more ‘rational’ (yeah, right) Freedom Thinkers leave Freedom Thinking Blog to join GodBlogs (basically to get more money, the greedy treacherous scumbags).

Atheism+ formed by Judy McNeigh, but it dies rather fast (lol! It’s alive and well! We have a forum!).

Jamie Tibbs writes the worst post ever, totally unfunny (no really, that hurts my feelings, even when I’ve written it myself as satire. Not cool. I think I should stop there.)


by Gertrude DuBois, Margaret Christian and Stevie Cszta

I spent a couple of hours yesterday looking through the Twitter pages of some MRAs and sister-punishers and, you’ve guessed it: they’re attacking women, yet again.

This time, they’re attacking the decision of a woman, Greta Christina, to buy a pair of shoes – seriously, this is how low they’re stooping now. Apparently, if you’re a woman then you have to have all purchases of shoes vetted by men, or by the so-called ‘women’ who like to curry favor with those men by joining in with their misogyny.

She had the audacity to get cancer and receive help from her closest friends, and she’s being attacked (and not for the first time) by the haters. Basically what they’re saying is that if you’ve had cancer then you need to walk around barefoot, or dress in rags. Because, you see, she didn’t get cancer. Oh no, it was just a mere ‘scare’. Just a ruse, you know, to get an extra pair of shoes for the wardrobe. That’s sarcasm, in case you hadn’t guessed.

Apparently, this is what civil discourse looks like – attacking a cancer survivor over her choice of shoes. That’s ‘free speech’ or whatever other nonsense they like to harp on about.

By the way, Greta is now offering (even though she doesn’t have to) refunds to those who are unhappy that she’s an independent woman free to make her own choices. Obviously nobody will take her up on this, but the offer is there.

I could say more about this but I don’t have the time or the energy right now.

Hi everybody!

Welcome to the new hub of skeptical atheist freedom thinking! The purpose of this blog is to attack religion, fight for social justice, promote the role of women in the skeptical commmunity, attack anyone advocating Men’s Rights (i.e. Men’s Rights Assholes) and all other sexists, misogynists and sexist misogynists. We are proud advocates of Atheism+, the view that rather than doing nothing except disbelieve in gods (i.e. normal atheism) we actually try to make the world a better place.

We are a group of authors, so you might think of this blog as not really a single blog but a network of blogs. We all use the same login, so we will make it clear who is the author of each post.

Lastly, be sure to follow this blog’s official Twitter account, @atheismplus. New posts will be advertised on there, but please check back every so often. A comment policy hasn’t yet been drawn up yet, but assholes and misogynists will be torn a new one, and then deleted/banned. You have been warned.